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Writer's picturePastor Ted

Join Us for Worship on July 26, 2020

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Tomorrow at 9:30AM, we will gather for worship. Some will choose to come to our facility, and others will want to join us virtually. If you decide to join us virtually, you can watch:

1. From here on our church website.

2. From our church YouTube Chanel at

3. From our church Facebook page at

At the conclusion of our service tomorrow we will have a church Business Meeting. Due to COVID-19, we were unable to have a meeting in April. Our last Business Meeting was January 29, 2020. We do have some important items to bring to the church tomorrow. While we do plan to continue our Livestream so everyone can watch, we cannot take votes virtually. If you wish to vote in the Business Meeting tomorrow, you must be present in the facility during the Business Meeting. In accordance with our By-Laws, to have a quorum, we will need 25 members present when we call our meeting to order.

Tomorrow will be the third Sunday our church facility has been open for public worship. I want to thank all who have attended for following our recommendations and guidelines. You have helped make the reopening of our church successful! I would also like to encourage those who are comfortable with taking some risk to come and worship with us at the church facility. While we can’t guarantee your safety, I think you will be pleased with the efforts we have made to mitigate the risk. If you do choose to come and worship at our facility, please follow our recommendations and guidelines. They are attached for your use and reference.

The next step in our reopening will be restarting our Bible Study Fellowships (otherwise known as Sunday School classes). We honestly don’t know exactly what this is going to look like, or when we will be able to start. In the interim, several of our Sunday School classes have been meeting virtually. Some meet on Sunday, and others meet at various times during the week. We have one class that has agreed to open up to anyone who would like to join them. The Open Door Bible Study Fellowship meets on Tuesdays at 7:00PM. You can join this Bible Study Fellowship this week by clicking on (or copying and pasting) the following link in your computer, tablet, or smartphone: You can also join by dialing in using your phone to +1 (571) 317-3122 and entering Access Code: 884-677-917. If you are new to GoToMeeting, you can get the app for your phone or tablet at

Thank you to all who have given to support our church and her ministries. As you will see at our Business Meeting, because of God’s faithfulness, your generosity, and the wisdom and dedication of our leadership team, including our Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer, Stewardship Committee Chairman, Chairman of Deacons, and others, our church has continued to be blessed financially. If you are able, and if the Lord leads, you can give:

1. By visiting our website (by computer or smartphone) at and clicking on the “Give” tab.

2. By mailing a check or money order to Cornerstone Baptist Church, 8947 Albemarle Road, Charlotte, NC 28227.

3. By using your cell phone by texting “Eph220” to the number 73256. Once you send the text, you will be given a prompt on how to complete your transaction.

These have been difficult and unprecedented times. Thank you for your patience, your prayers, your support, and your understanding while we have done our best to navigate through these troubled waters. None of us know exactly what tomorrow, next month, or next year holds. But, praise God, we know He holds the future!

If you have a need or have any questions, please email me at

It is a privilege and joy to serve as your pastor!

In His Love,

Pastor Ted

“God will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are stayed on Him.” Isaiah 26:3

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